2016-01-12 v.1.1 (yojeg1) * Now with a taste of Italian, thanks to Dr. Pompeo Lattanzi 2015-06-02 v.1.0 (yojeg) * Added offline functionality (cache manifest) * Extended CSV export fields at Daniel Wollschlaeger's suggestion 2015-02-10 v.0.6b (povidlo6) * Reduced scale of synth target, to fit 99% red circle label text. * Added German linguistic version, thanks to Alexander Birtschenko * Adjusted CSS to fit language selector + cosmetic changes, thanks to Dragonsshout * Increased inch display precision to 2 digits after dot 2015-01-23 v.0.5b (povidlo5) * Corrected some French translation strings * Added "Help" pane with references to official docs, links, thanks, etc. * Added home URL stamp to exported images 2015-01-20 v.0.4b (povidlo4) * Fixed an obscure mac os bug with validation of project parameters (thanks to Dragonsshout) 2015-01-19 v.0.3b (povidlo3) * Layout adjusted to fit "no target available" warning to window. * Hit probability slider hidden in analysis pane, until there are things to analyse. * "Nothing to analyse" message displayed, if no shots marked. 2015-01-16 v.0.2b (povidlo2) * Lots of inches-yards-related bugs corrected in analysis and target panes. * "OK" button in project properties is now dimmed rather than hidden 2015-01-15 v.0.1b (povidlo) First [early beta] release